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Post Office Box 2076
Branson West, Missouri 65737
(417) 4-OLG-OLG



City of Kimberling City, Missouri Prosecution Services

Prosecutor M.J. Hurney, Attorney-at-Law, serves in various prosecution roles, including as City Prosecutor for Kimberling City.  

Out-of-court contact with the prosecutor is generally restricted to electronic communications, as described below.  Since the prosecutor may need to reach you before court, it is important you provide up-to-date contact information with your submission; this includes your cell phone number and email address.  

NOTE: Providing your contact information to the prosecutor does NOT update your contact information with the court.  It is always important to keep your contact information current with the court, as they will mail important notices to the address in their file. The court clerk is available at (417) 739-4922 if you need to update your information. 

Kimberling City Municipal Court

Courtroom: Community Building, 34 Kimberling Boulevard
Mailing: P.O. Box 370, Kimberling City, Missouri 65686
Court Clerk: (417) 739-4922 / Court Website

Case Tracking: Missouri CaseNet


Pro-Se Litigants (Representing yourself):
Your court date appears on the summons you received from the officer and/or from the court. It is also available on CaseNet, whose links appear on this page. It is important that you appear at the correct time and location. Failure to appear may result in license suspensions and/or warrants for your arrest. You MUST appear unless the charge is disposed of prior to court, or you are otherwise instructed by the court to not appear.

Pro-Se litigants have two pre-court options to contact the prosecutor, as listed below. Defendants may only make one request per case.

1. Disposition Packet Request: If your case is not “plea and pay” eligible on CaseNet and/or does not have a published fine, you may request a disposition packet. CLICK HERE for directions for obtaining a disposition packet.


2. Case Evaluation Requests: If you are seeking to have your case(s) evaluated by the prosecutor and believe an agreement should be considered, the directions are available HERE (CLICK).

Court Day pro-se meetings (limited): The prosecutor holds open office hours on court days, beginning at 12:00/noon and ending at 1:30 (court time).  Pro-Se litigants will be given the opportunity to visit with the prosecutor on a first-come, first-served (FCFS) basis, with no guarantee of being seen before the 1:30 end time.  Attorneys waiting for the prosecutor will be given preference in line.  To secure a better chance of communications, please follow the above guidelines regarding online arrangements.

Defendants who are represented by an attorney should not contact the prosecutor directly; they must contact their attorney.

Policies and Forms:
Current DIP (Driver Improvement Program) Policy (CLICK HERE)
State-Approved DIP Links
(Contact the prosecutor for DIP links in Spanish)


ATTORNEYS representing clients (Attorneys only):
The most up-do-date procedures for attorney-prosecutor services are available HERE (CLICK).

Court Day attorney meetings (limited): The prosecutor holds office hours on court days, beginning at 12:00/noon and ending at 1:30 (court time). Pro-Se litigants will also be seen, but attorneys waiting for the prosecutor will be given preference in line. Please attempt to make arrangements (filings, offers requests, etc) electronically or via telephone before the court date, in order to save time during office hours.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
Nothing on this site is intended to give you legal advice and you should not rely on it to do so.
No attorney-client relationship is formed simply by using this site or contacting our office (through this or other medium).

We strive to be fair and reasonable.  If you have a disability or have problems accessing the material on this website, please contact our office and leave a message explaining your circumstances: 417-465-4654. If this is a city court/prosecution matter, you may also phone the appropriate court clerk and ask them to forward a message to us.

OzarksLG.com 2022-